12 thoughts on “Social Engineering in Cybersecurity

  1. This article provides a comprehensive overview of social engineering in cybersecurity, highlighting the various tactics employed by hackers to manipulate individuals and extract personal information. It emphasizes the importance of being cautious and vigilant in protecting sensitive data. The examples provided, such as blagging, phishing, spear phishing, pharming, and shouldering, serve as reminders of the diverse methods used by cybercriminals. The article effectively raises awareness about the risks associated with social engineering and emphasizes the need for individuals to exercise caution, particularly when sharing personal information in public settings. Stay informed, stay cautious, and prioritize your online security.

  2. Great article on social engineering in cybersecurity! It’s fascinating how hackers can manipulate individuals to provide personal information through psychological tactics. The story shared by Brian Brushwood about people willingly allowing someone to cut in line at a copier machine demonstrates the power of convincingly telling a story and appealing to people’s sympathies.

    I have a few questions regarding the methods mentioned in the article. Firstly, how can individuals protect themselves from blagging attempts? It seems scammers can create elaborate scenarios to extract personal information. Additionally, what are some effective ways to identify phishing emails and avoid falling victim to them? With spear phishing becoming more targeted, it’s crucial to stay vigilant.

    The discussion around pharming is also intriguing. The concept of redirecting users to fake websites to gather confidential information is concerning. Could you provide more insights on how DNS poisoning works and how individuals can protect themselves from such attacks?

    Lastly, shouldering or shoulder surfing is a form of data theft that seems relatively simple yet highly effective. It’s surprising how easily someone can obtain sensitive information by observing a person’s screen or keypad. Do you have any recommendations for minimizing the risk of shoulder surfing in public places?

    Overall, social engineering is a critical aspect of cybersecurity that requires both awareness and proactive measures. It’s essential for individuals to stay informed about these tactics and take necessary precautions to safeguard their personal information.



  3. The article provides valuable information about social engineering in cybersecurity and highlights the different tactics employed by hackers to manipulate individuals and extract personal information. It emphasizes the importance of being cautious and vigilant in order to protect sensitive data. It showcases how convincingly telling a story and appealing to people’s sympathies can lead to manipulation. This highlights the power of social engineering tactics and the need for individuals to be aware of such techniques.

    1. Hi Liam

      Thank you so much for your comment! I’m delighted to hear that you found the article on social engineering valuable and informative.

      You’re absolutely right—social engineering tactics can be incredibly powerful because they exploit our natural tendencies to trust and sympathize with others. By telling convincing stories and appealing to emotions, hackers can manipulate individuals into divulging sensitive information or performing actions that compromise security.

      The key to defending against these tactics is awareness and vigilance. Recognizing the signs of social engineering attempts, such as unsolicited requests for personal information, offers that seem too good to be true, or urgent messages that play on fear or curiosity, can help us stay one step ahead of potential attackers.

      Your point about the need for individuals to be aware of these techniques is crucial. Education and awareness are our best defences. By sharing information and stories about social engineering, we can help others recognize and resist these manipulative tactics.

      Thank you again for your thoughtful comment and for emphasizing the importance of caution and vigilance in protecting our sensitive data. Let’s continue to spread awareness and help each other stay secure in this increasingly interconnected world.

      Best regards,


  4. Hey Sahriar, 

    Wow, it is really a great topic. Social engineering is such a fascinating yet concerning aspect of cybersecurity. I have read your post, and I totally agree that users need to be made aware of the risks involved with social engineering techniques. Awareness-building and maintaining vigilance are essential for effectively countering these deceptive tactics. But I am interested in knowing what proactive steps you think businesses can take to better safeguard themselves and their staff against social engineering scams. Continue your outstanding work in bringing attention to this critical cybersecurity concern.

    1. Thanks for your query Sara!

      1) First and foremost, education is key, staff should learn how to:

           #  recognise phishing emails

           #  spot and deal with unsolicited phone calls; a healthy amount of vigilance and scepticism will go a long way to help create a strong barrier against potential threats

      2) Not just having cybersecurity policies but ensure they are implemented and guidelines adhere to.

      3) Regularly updating security software

      Are just a few proactive steps a business can take

  5. Hi, thanks for the informative post. The aspects mentioned in the blog post is not necessarily something that I actively consider when going on the web, but I suppose knowledge like this is power in protecting oneself. My wife was just scammed out of a healthy sum of our savings cash through what you describe as phishing, so online security is now a priority on our end. Naturally, though, instances like these are on the rise globally, so yes, vigilance is key and this post is definitely a reality check on all the different ways someone could get scammed in this information age. 

    1. Hello Deon,

      It is unfortunate that cyber-attacks are on the rise these days. Sorry to hear that you were scammed out of your hard-earned cash. Unfortunately, as you stated, the onus is on us users to protect ourselves.

      Introduce your wife to our website, hopefully she will find some useful info here. All the best!

  6. Reading your blog post brought back memories of a time when I fell victim to a phishing scam. It happened a couple of years ago when I received an email seemingly from my bank, informing me of suspicious activity on my account. The email looked authentic, complete with the bank’s logo and formatting. It urged me to click on a link to verify my account details to prevent unauthorized access. Despite having some doubts, the urgency conveyed in the message made me overlook them, and I clicked on the link. It redirected me to a convincing replica of the bank’s website, where I entered my login credentials without a second thought. It was only later that I realized I had been duped when I received notifications of unauthorized transactions. Reflecting on that experience now, I see how easily emotions like fear and urgency can cloud judgment, making us susceptible to social engineering tactics. Your post resonated with me as it reiterated the importance of skepticism and caution in navigating the digital landscape, lessons I learned the hard way.

    1. Hiya Ashley,

      I’m really sorry to hear that you’ve been targeted by cyber criminals. It seems that you had the power to overcome this setback, good on you sister and stay strong!

  7. Your article on “Social Engineering in Cybersecurity” provides an incredibly insightful look into the various techniques hackers use to manipulate individuals and gain access to sensitive information. I appreciate how you break down complex concepts into easily digestible sections, giving readers a thorough understanding of terms like blagging, phishing, pharming, and shoulder surfing. Your use of real-life examples, like the copier machine story, makes the topic more relatable and engaging.

    The comprehensive explanation of how these methods work, along with practical advice on how to avoid becoming a victim, is extremely valuable. I also like how you emphasize the human element in social engineering—it’s not just about technology, but about psychology and manipulation. The guidance on avoiding public Wi-Fi and being cautious with personal information in public spaces is particularly helpful.

    Overall, this article is a must-read for anyone interested in cybersecurity, providing both education and actionable tips to stay safe. It’s clear, well-organized, and effectively raises awareness about the risks and preventive measures we can take in our daily lives. Great job!

    1. Thanks Matthias! Cyber security is a shared responsibility, and your recognition of its significance is crucial for promoting a culture of cyber resilience and awareness.

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